Saturday afternoon was absolutely beautiful.  Balmy breezes blew gently swaying the palm tree branches.  The crisp cool year was welcomed.  So clad in a sweat shirt the three Collins gals (+ Trixie) ventured into the front yard.  With tools in hand we began to spruce up the bushes---and of course we need to pause for those classic Kodak moments.   Hope you enjoy the pictures. 
We are thankful for the cooler weather, James 'should' be home this weekend.  We trust you have a blessed day!  Can not wait to read you comment.   Just wondering what the weather was like in your part of the world?  

11/8/2010 03:49:34 am

I can not see pictures, but maybe that is because I am at work. I will try at home later.
Weather has been much cooler here. Today I actually wore a lightweight wind breaker as there was a chill in the air.
I can breathe through my nose now and that is an interesting concept. I am starting to like this. Nose is still sore from the surgery Friday, but I think the end will justify the means.
Glad to hear James may get to come home for a weekend. That will be nice, and overdue :-)


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