How exciting it was for James to open the card--and inside he saw information for a trip home.  He was able to come home for four days.  Together we kept it a secret from the girls--and needless to say both girls were REALLY SURPRISE to see dad. 

Whitney saw him Sunday night---about 11:45 pm.  Thanks to all our friends and family who helped to keep this a secret.  Erin rode down with me to West Palm--and we met him at a Burger King.  Her expression was priceless--and from what I hear, Whitney's reaction was very similar. 

For those who live up north and enjoy the beautiful fall colors--enjoy them for us. 

James looks forward to hearing from you on face book---and should you decide to comment on our blog--we would be happy to hear from you.  Know that we care and appreciate all of you.  James should writing soon about what he is doing in Haiti--his work consist of building, distributing food or medical needs, assessing situations and creating a workable plan.  James  is in his element --the Joseph of the modern day warehouse in Haiti--it is excited to be about Kingdom work.   Thanks for you prayers.
10/21/2010 10:18:00 pm

So glad to hear that the visit went well. I am glad that James is able to get home from time to time. (Not enough for you, I'm sure.) I was so proud of Whitney. She gave the sweetest testimony of God's Amazing Grace and it's work in her life. You all are doing a great job raising your children.
I am praying for James' health protection right now.
God bless you and your family for the sacrificial work you both are doing for the Kingdom.


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