I sit here in tears this morning after reading the post and comments that my beautiful wife posted and then others responded on. This is the reason why I am able to keep doing what I truly feel God has called me to do at this time in my life.

I am going to try to catch everyone up as quickly as possible on what has been going on over the last few days. I believe I finished off on the road being totally covered in mud and as you can see we loaded the truck to the hilt with everything we could with jerry cans and IV bags. Over these 48 hours I saw death from old to babies I saw sickness in such a way that can only be described as heartbreaking. we pulled over by this one lady along the side of the road she was carrying a baby and we gave her some food that we had left over in the car and as she reached out for the food I saw some of the saddest eyes you could ever see it make me tear up even as I am writing this as she reached for the food the baby rolled away from her chest and I realize that the baby had died and then I knew why she had such sad eyes.

It is only because I serve a risen Savior that I can continue to go on because I know another child made it to the arms of Jesus. God is so good but I often wonder why so much senseless death and then am reminded that God does not promise us a life of luxury but he does promise to be with us always and if one child’s death can bring others to Christ then to God be the glory.

Ok back to lighter things now we are continuing to monitor the cholera outbreak and it appears to have stablelized and the deaths have tapered off thanks be to God.

11/1/2010 10:39:44 pm

Heavenly Father,
I pray that you wrap your strong and loving arms around James and Rachel this morning. I ask that you give the peace that passes this world's understanding. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over their situation and ask that you defeat the Devil in their lives. Strengthen and encourage them I pray. Lord Jesus, may you make you will and desire for their lives plain to them. Thanks you for their lives and their willingness to do what you have called them to do. Do not allow the enemy to discourage them or cause them to doubt. I pray victory for them right now. God, you are powerful and mighty. Wonderful are your works among us. Thanks you for your protection and guidance in James' situation. Continue to use James and Rachel for your business. Bless them spiritually, emotionally, and financially I pray. Demonstrate your power according to your will.
I ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

11/2/2010 12:45:46 pm

Thanks for finishing the story. It ended the way the old radio kid shows did "tune in next time..." Was driving me crazy to hear the ending.
On a serious note though, your pictures and stories are heartbreaking, but we are so proud of you and the work you are doing!

11/6/2010 05:31:27 am

Good pics James - Glad to see some of where you are and what you are doing. Lots of love - miss you! Am praying for you. Love your sis - Janette


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