Thanks for the prayers on the behalf of James' father.  If you check Leonard's and James' face book page, that is were you find the most recent information.  Continue to pray for James' dad and for James' mom.   

I am so proud of Whitney--she now has her permit!!  Now, I will begin wearing a new hat.  The hat which fits those who sit on the passenger side of the vehicle.  Carefully instructing and guiding the new learner --working with them helping to develop the new driver into in a safe driver.  I  am excited to wear this hat.  I will gladly pass it off to James, when he returns in a few days.

Thanksgiving will be time spent with family.  Treasuring memories, creating new memories and missing those who are not with us --due to distance or for those who are now in heaven.  I often visualize my mom, James' grandma and other friends and family members who are already in heaven.  Standing there on the heavenly balcony cheering me on--AND cheering you the reader of this blog on.  Realizing their traveling days upon earth are finished--they are now numbered among the Redeemed --cheering us on. 

For you that read the blog--today, I pray that you will experience 'joy in your spiritual journey'.  May your Heavenly Father be near and dear to you--and may your prayers be answered according to His divine plan.   The realization that He is able to look down through the telescope of time--and because He is able to see the future and know what we need today--He is FAITHFUL --and will do above and beyond what one could even begin to imagine!

Just sharing some heart thoughts~

11/18/2010 02:03:18 am

Thanks for the prayers Rachel. I love reading your updates. You are a strong woman and living for Christ. What more could a brother-in-law ask for??? I trust that you all have a wonderful time at Thanksgiving. We are so blessed.
Please know that extra volumes of prayer will be sent heavenward as you instruct Whitney on driving. Having ridden with James as a teenaged driver, and then as an adult driver, I will not recommend that he instruct ANYONE on how to drive. :-)


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